Why Us the Horse at Denver Airport Blue

Ellen Lloyd – MessageToEagle.com – There are many reasons why the Denver airport in Colorado is considered the weirdest airport in the world and a sinister place.

Frankly, it doesn't take long before visitors notice there is something odd about this place.

The signs are all around you and you don't have to be a conspiracy enthusiast to quickly observe that you are not visiting an ordinary airport.

Secret tunnels, underground bunker, mysterious signs and markings, a time capsule that must not be opened until 2094, and more. The Denver airport has all of it! No wonder people are curious.

In fact, no airport in the world has been the subject of such persistent conspiracy theories as Denver International. Whether these accusations are justified or not, is up to you to decide.

Now, let's take a look and see what has caused the conspiracy rumors. This is a top list of the weirdest things about the Denver airport.

1. The Horse Statue With Glowing Red Eyes

Denver Mustang

When you arrive at the airport the first thing you see is the huge Blue Mustang created by New Mexico artist Luis Jiménez.

This impressive 32 feet tall and 9000 pounds horse statue with glowing red eyes is made out of fiberglass. There is no doubt this thing is giant and scary, or at least that what most people think. On top of everything, it killed its own creator. Artist Luis Jimenez died in 2006 when a piece of the sculpture's head broke off and severed an artery in his leg.

The horse official name is Blue Mustang, but locals call him Blucifer.

2.  Gargoyle Sitting in A Suitcase

Denver Demon

No, there is no need to worry. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is a gargoyle sitting in a suitcase welcoming visitors at the Denver Airport.

The symbolism of gargoyles has always been a mystery. Nobody can really explain the reason for their presence, specifically on religious buildings. No doubt they played an important role in the past, but this is not a figure suitable for an airport, or is it?

3. Bizarre Murals Depicting End Of The World

Mural Denver Airport

Leo Tanguma's murals may have nice names.

They are called "Children of the World Dream of Peace" and "In Peace and Harmony with Nature," but make no mistake about it – their contents are horrifying.

They show death-masked soldiers stalk children with guns, animals are dead and kept under glass, and the entire world looks to have been destroyed. A soldier killing the peace dove is hardly a sign of peace, is it?

Such depictions are hardly something we would expect at an airport where many people afraid of flying are already frightened.

As expected, the murals generated a lot of public interest and have now been removed.

4. Mysterious Time Capsule

Denver Airport time capsule

Here we also find a curious dedication marker and capstone that's been placed over a time capsule (which supposedly includes a credit card, Colorado flag, and DIA opening day newspapers. The inscription on the stone says the "the time capsule beneath this stone contains messages and memorabilia to the people of Colorado".

The capsule is set to be opened in 2094. Why that particular year?

What's really curious is that symbols on the marker are associated with the Freemasons, a charitable organization that is often subject to their own conspiracy theories. The marker also mentions the "New World Airport Commission," an organization that doesn't actually exist that conspiracy theorists say doesn't exist.

However, according to a statement issued by Steve Snyder, head of PR at DIA – "The New World Airport Commission was simply a group consisting of local business and political leaders who sponsored and organized a number of pre-opening events at Denver International Airport. The airport was to usher in a new era making Denver a world-class city, thus the New World name. The group has absolutely no association with the new world order."

So who should we believe?

5. Secret Tunnels And Underground Bunker

Denver Airport underground tunnels

For several years, there have been rumors that the largest underground bunker in the world is located beneath the Denver airport. Conspiracy theorists have also suggested several secret underground tunnels lead straight to this mysterious bunker that has been specially built for the New World Order. Apparently, a DIA whistleblower has come forward to confirm the existence of a secret underground base beneath the airport, but how true that statement is, no-one knows.

6. The Swastika Seen From The Air

Denver airport swastika

One more remarkable thing is the layout of the runways of the airport. The shape of the six current runways at the airport is laid out in the shape of a modified swastika. That is at least what it looks like as seen from the air.

Here is a little background information for you.

The Denver International airport began life in the early 1980's as the Denver Regional Council of Governments began their search for an area to build the new metro airport.

The outlay of the first $60 million was authorized in September of 1989. A number of delays set the construction of the airport back and it wasn't until February 28, 1995, that Denver International Airport opened and replaced the original airport, Stapleton.

The construction of the airport came to nearly $2 billion over budget. Covering an area of 53 square miles, the Denver airport is the largest airport in the U.S. and the second-largest in the world.

It has also earned its name as the "weirdest" airport in the world.

Written by Ellen Lloyd – MessageToEagle.com

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Source: https://www.messagetoeagle.com/6-reasons-why-denver-airport-is-the-weirdest-airport-in-the-world/

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